Level 1 – Foundational Courses (2 Courses) 

In the two courses comprising Level 1, students will learn the basics of the ancient science of Vedic Palmistry (Hast Jyotish).

  •  P-101 Introduction to Vedic Palmistry 
  •  P-102 Discovering the Mounts

Free tutoring and available coaching

In order to support you during your online learning, Birla Vedic College offers a free tutoring service. By email, you can contact your tutor to ask questions, ask for clarifications or even suggestions of methods of work. This service is valide throughout the duration of your registration.

Coaching is also available at a discounted student rate for those who need a more personalized, in-depth support. 


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* All prices are in Canadian dollars

P-101 Introduction to Vedic Palmistry (Hast Jyotish)

Course categoryLevel 1: Foundational Courses

In this course we will cover the fundamentals of palmistry, including the dominant and non-dominant hand, the mounts, the major and minor lines, the wisdom lines and the lines of obstruction. You will learn to identify the subconscious traits present in the non-dominant hand and to recognize the impact and influence they have on your life and relationships. You will also study the “seven hand types” and their meaning, as well as the importance of the thumb, fingers and fingernails. 

Here are the points that will be addressed in this course:

  • Principles of Hast Jyotish within the Vedic Tradition
  • The Historical Roots of Palmistry in World Cultures
  • Geography of the hand
  • Hand Print Training
  • The Activity of the Hand
  • Morphological Analysis
  • The fingers: Our Conscious Expression
  • Nails: Armor of the Nervous System
  • The Thumb: Indicator of Our Individuality
  • Hand Types: Different Paths to Personal Growth

Tuition: $ 276,00 - Course duration: 16 weeks

* All prices are in Canadian dollars

Teacher: Kathy Keogh

P-102 Discovering the Mounts—The Power of The Planets in The Palm of Your Hand

Course categoryLevel 1: Foundational Courses
A thorough knowledge of the hand’s ten mounts is essential to fully understand and properly practice Vedic Palmistry. The mounts—or parwat, meaning ‘small mountain’ in Hindi—are individual pads of flesh on the palm. The mounts are the astrological counterparts to the planetary bodies of our solar system—the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, in addition to Rahu and Ketu. The mounts relate to our innermost self—the core of our being and who we really are. 

This course will provide an overview of the mounts in relation to the philosophy of Hast Jyotish. You will learn about the spiritual anatomy of consciousness as it is expressed through the development of the mounts by studying skin texture, color, consistency, papillary formation and the activity of lines and signs.

Here are the points that will be addressed in this course:

  • Basic Principles of Vedic Philosophy as a Foundation for the Practice of Palmistry
  • The Philosophical Explanation of the Mounts
  • Matter to Spirit: The Evolutionary Cycle of the Mounts
  • How to Determine the Development of a Mount
  • Standard Reference for Determining Balance in the Mount
  • The Formation of the Mount
  • Placement of the Fingers and Mounts
  • Texture, Consistency, Color and Temperature
  • The Three Worlds of the Finger and Mount
  • Papillary Patterns and Triradii
  • Activity on the Mount and Finger – Lines of Wisdom and Obstruction
  • Leading Mount

Tuition : $ 276,00 - Course duration: 16 weeks

* All prices are in Canadian dollars