Level 3 / The Major Lines – Our Subconscious Expression
In the three courses of Level 3, the three major lines—heart line, head line and life line—will be thoroughly examined with regard to their origin, termination and formation, which corresponds respectively to our physical, mental and emotional health.
Click on the golden links to see all the details of these courses.
Tap into the Power of Your Heart Line
When our heart fully opens, our life changes forever. We are sharing our authentic self and our true feelings with the world. Uniting, motivating and inspiring others becomes a natural expression of our innate energy. We give and receive love purely, without expectation or conditions. And the more we express our love to others, the more love we attract into our lives.
Transform Your Life with the Power of the Head Line
Rejuvenate Yourself in Body, Mind and Soul
Free tutoring and available coaching
In order to support you during your online learning, Birla Vedic College offers a free tutoring service. By email, you can contact your tutor to ask questions, ask for clarifications or even suggestions of methods of work. This service is valide throughout the duration of your registration.
Coaching is also available at a discounted student rate for those who need a more personalized, in-depth support.